Equipping people to unleash the Kingdom.
Gregory & Susan Dewbrew founded Kingdom Brewing to develop resources for equipping people to unleash the Kingdom of God in every realm of life—family, church, business and culture—until we see a new Kingdom renaissance. If you are passionate about seeing the Kingdom take root in every nation, then join the renaissance. It’s the adventure of a lifetime!
Bring life to your day.
“Just a small dose of this daily devotional will do more for your spiritual health than a ton of oversized theological textbooks could ever hope to do. Just like natural nutrition, there is a place for feasting joyfully at the banquet table, but it’s the small healthy meals eaten daily that truly nourish you. That’s exactly what the Daily Vitamin will do for you when absorbed on a regular basis. These daily morsels will nourish your soul and bring health to your spirit. Think of them like a Holy Spirit multivitamin—they are tiny when compared to the nutrients power-packed inside them.”
“This devotional is perfect for the person on the go or as a supplement for those who can feed from lots of different sources. Sometimes I am surprised by how something as small as the Daily Vitamin can have such a big impact. Some days I am challenged or convicted by them, but most days I feel strengthened and encouraged. You will too. I pray these daily doses impact your life and the lives of those you love as much as they have mine.”
— Susan Dewbrew (from the Foreword)