
Daily Vitamin

Scriptures, JN. 5:39-40 (The Passion Translation), “You are busy analyzing the Scriptures, poring over them hoping to gain eternal life. Everything you read points to Me, yet you still refuse to come to Me so I can give you the life you’re looking for—eternal life!”

The Church today is still stuck in knowing the scriptures but not the author. We are still looking through the Bible looking for our identity. We are looking for ways to be accepted, yet always falling short. We are looking to be accepted, not realizing that we are already accepted. Our identity doesn’t come from words in an inspired book. It comes from a relationship with the author.

I’m certainly not saying that knowing the Bible is wrong; it’s great to know and have understanding of it. I’m just saying our identity is in Christ not in the book! So spending more time in His presence than in His book may help clarify your identity!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory





