
Daily Vitamin

Believe, JN. 20:29-31 (The Passion Translation), “Jesus responded, “Thomas, now that you’ve seen Me, you believe. But there are those who have never seen Me with their eyes but have believed in Me with their hearts, and they will be blessed even more!

“Jesus went on to do many more miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not even included in this book. But all that is recorded here is so that you will fully believer that Jesus is the Anointed One, the Son of God, and that through your faith in Him you will experience eternal lifes by the power of His Name!”

Thomas gets a bad rap from most of us. But are we any different? Do we believe because we’ve seen a miracle or answers to prayers?  We don’t need to have blind faith to believe. There are miracles happening every day all over the earth. All we need to do is to look for them. Whether they be big or small, they are happening.

Let us be a people who believe and watch how our world will be transformed back to its original plan!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






