
Daily Vitamin

Fountain, JN. 4:13-14 (TPT), “Jesus answered, “If you drink from Jacob’s well, you’ll be thirsty again, but if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never be thirsty again. For when you drink the water I give you, it becomes a gushing fountain of the Holy Spirit, flooding you with endless life!”

Jesus gave the woman at the well not only water from within Himself, but also a gushing fountain. A fountain that not only could she drink from, but a fountain that others could also partake from. She went back to town and shared what Jesus had given her. And most of the town came out to see Jesus and to get that same wonderful water He gave her.

Now that’s great news! Not only did He give them His living water, He made it possible for others to share in the flow of their fountain. It is still flowing today through all who drink of it!

You have a fountain in you that the world desperately needs. Let them drink from what Jesus put in you!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory





