Daily Vitamin
Included, 1 John 4:15-17 (The Mirror Bible), “For anyone to see and to say that Jesus is the Son of God is to awaken to the awareness that we are continuously, seamlessly joined in oneness. And thus we have come to know and believe the love that God has unveiled within us. God is love. Love is who God is; to live in this place of conscious, constant love, is to live immersed in God and to feel perfectly at home in His indwelling. So now, with us awakening to our full inclusion in this love union, everything is perfect. Its completeness is not compromised in contradiction. Our confident conversation echoes this fellowship even in the face of crisis; because, as He is, so are we in this world - our lives are mirrored in Him. We are as blameless in this life as Jesus is. This perfect love union is the source of our confidence whenever we face the scrutiny of contradiction.”
We know that Jesus is love at its purest form. In knowing this, we wonder why would such a perfect love would want to include us in His world. In the Psalms 115:16 David writes, “The heavens belong to our God; they are His alone, but He has given us the earth and put us in charge.” This is why Daddy God includes us in His plans. We were included from the very beginning of all things.
It’s time that we take back the earth from those that only want to destroy it. You ask how will we do this? We take it back with love!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory