Daily Vitamin
Is, 1 JN. 4:17 (The Mirror Bible), “So now, with us awakening to our full inclusion in this love union, everything is perfect. Its completeness is not compromised in contradiction. Our confident conversation echoes this fellowship even in the face of crisis; because, as He is, so are we in this world - our lives are mirrored in Him. We are as blameless in this life as Jesus is. This perfect love union is the source of our confidence whenever we face the scrutiny of contradiction.“
Read that again: as He is, not as He was. Christ IS present in our lives. That’s not past tense.
Christ became sin so we could become His righteousness! “This is the divine exchange: He who knew no sin embraced our perversion; He appeared to be without form; this was the mystery of God’s prophetic poetry. He was disguised in our distorted image and marred with our iniquities; He took our sorrows, our pain and our shame and birthed His righteousness in us. He took our sins and we became His innocence.” (2 Cor. 5:21, The Mirror Bible)
Christ is ever present in our lives. It’s not just a past thing; it’s a now thing. Ponder that today. Receive His righteousness into your life. It’s yours! Christ made it possible!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory