
Daily Vitamin

Defile, Mark 7:13-15 (TPT), “Do you really think God will honor your traditions passed down to others, making up rules that nullify God’s Word? And you’re doing many other similar things.” Then Jesus called the crowd together again, saying, “Hear my words, all of you, and take them to heart. What truly contaminates a person is not what he puts into his body, but what comes out. That’s what makes a person defiled.”

Believers have been making up rules from before Christ was born. Daddy God had given Moses 10 Commandments, yet the Israelites didn’t keep them. Some 600 more were added. After Christ, His followers added even more still. Today we have rules that we say are from God like women can’t wear pants and men can’t have long hair, or no dancing or going to movies, etc. Christ said it’s not the external things that defile a person; it’s what comes up from our heart and out of our mouth that defile us.

So what’s flowing up and out of you recently?

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






