
Daily Vitamin

Ekklesia — “I desire for you to become intimately acquainted with the love of Christ on the deepest possible level; far beyond the reach of a mere academic, intellectual grasp. Within the scope of this equation God finds the ultimate expression of Their image and likeness in you. We celebrate Elohim who supercharges us powerfully from within. Our biggest request or most amazing dream cannot match the extravagant proportion of Their thoughts towards us. God is both the author and conclusion of the glory on display in the Ekklesia, mirrored in Christ Jesus. The encore continues throughout every generation, not only in this age but also in the countless ages to come. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:19-21, The Mirror Bible)

We translate Ekklesia as “Church,” but it’s truly so much more. Not enough room or time to fully explain now. But let me give you small glimpse. The Ekklesia has always been people who come together in the love of God wherever they gather. It’s not just a structure. Their goal was the bringing of heaven back to earth, as it was designed to be from the beginning — from the time of the Garden when mankind walked and talked with Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Daddy God.


Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






