
Daily Vitamin

Favoritism, Acts 10:34-35 (The Passion Translation), “Peter said, “Now I know for certain that God doesn’t show favoritism with peopleo but treats everyone on the same basis. It makes no difference what race of people one belongs to. If they show deep reverence for God, and are committed to doing what’s right, they are acceptable before Him. God sent His word to the Jewish people first announcing the wonderful news of hope and peace through Jesus, the Anointed One, the Lord of all.”

We have a fun thing we like to say, “I’m Daddy God’s favorite.” This is true because everyone is His favorite. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, if you’re of one certain race or another, whether you’re young, old, male or female. Daddy God treats all of us as if we are His favorite because we are. He even loves us when we’re far away from Him.

Ponder on this today that Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit love and love each of us as we are Their favorite!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






