
Daily Vitamin

Gatherings — “Let us also think of creative ways by which we can influence one another to find inspired expression in doing things that benefit others. Good actions give voice and volume to the love of God. In the light of our free access to the Father, let us extend that embrace to one another. Our gatherings are no longer a repetition of tradition but an essential fellowship where we remind one another of our true identity. Let us do so with greater urgency now the day has dawned in our understanding.” (Hebrews 10:24-25, The Mirror Bible)

We have many meetings, gatherings, and assemblies, but are we just meeting to meet? When we meet, are we truly assembling or just meeting because that’s what you do on a given day?

We are to gather to help one another in matters of life. Yet we meet for an hour, maybe two, and listen to someone speak at us. Then we go out without even knowing the person next to us — let alone their needs, desires, or callings. We simply sit next to someone at a concert, movie theater, sporting event, or night club and have the same results!

Some translations say we should meet more often. When we gather together, let us do it to truly know one another!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






