
Daily Vitamin

Gaze — “One of the two disciples who heard John’s words and began to follow Jesus was a man named Andrew. He first found his brother, Simon Peter, and told him, “We have found the Anointed One!” Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. When He gazed upon Andrew’s brother, He prophesied to him, “You are Simon and your father’s name is John. But from now on, everyone will call you Cephas” (which means, Peter the Rock).” (John 1:41-42, The Passion Translation)

We are to bring others to Jesus to let Him look upon them. Once Jesus directs His gaze at them, He will speak of their true identity. All it took was for Andrew to bring Simon to Jesus.

Let’s bring others to Jesus so He may gaze upon them and proclaim their true identity!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory





