
Daily Vitamin

Generations — “I couldn’t begin to count the times You’ve been there for me. With the skill of a poet I’ll never run out of things to say about how You faithfully kept me from danger. I will come forth in your mighty strength, O my Lord God. I’ll tell everyone that You alone are the perfect one. From my childhood You’ve been my teacher, and I’m still telling every one of Your miracle-wonders! God, now that I’m old and gray, don’t walk away. Give me grace to demonstrate to the next generation all your mighty miracles and your excitement, to show them your magnificent power!” (Psalms 71:15-18, The Passion Translation)

The best way that the wonders of Daddy God are carried forward is by us telling about them.  When people forget and quit sharing the stories of Daddy God’s ways, the moral standards of a people begin to be corrupted, and soon all kinds of wickedness prevails!

Let’s not be silent. The next generation needs to know of the faithfulness of Daddy God, Jesus and Holy Spirit

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory





