
Daily Vitamin

Gratitude, Phil 4:6-7 (The Mirror Bible), “Let no anxiety about anything distract you. Rather translate moments into prayerful worship, and soak your requests in gratitude before God. And in this place of worship and gratitude you will witness how the peace of God within you echoes the awareness of your oneness in Christ Jesus beyond the reach of any thought that could possibly unsettle you. Just like the sentry guard secures a city, watching out in advance for the first signs of any possible threat, your deepest feelings and the tranquillity of your thoughts are fully guarded there.”

There are so many benefits in being grateful. Being anxious or worry will only make you sick. Not only in your heart and soul, they can also physically make your body break down. Our culture is so full of anxiety that we have made chemicals (medications) to numb it. The true replacement for anxiety is peace.

How do we get peace? One easy way is by being grateful! Not just in the good times but also in the tough times. I’m not saying being grateful FOR the tough things but being grateful THROUGH them. Anxiety will only cause more problems.

So trade your anxiety for peace today! It’s a gift that already belongs to you!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






