Daily Vitamin
Joy, James 1:2-4 (The Mirror Bible), “Temptations and contradictions come in different shapes, sizes, and intervals; their intention is always to suck you into their energy field. However, my friends, your joy in who you know you are leads you out triumphantly every time. Here is the secret: joy is not something you have to fake, it is the fruit of what your faith knows to be true about you. You know that the proof of faith results in a persuasion that remains constant in contradiction, steadfastness provides you with a consistent environment, and so patience prevails and proves your perfection; how entirely whole you are and without any shortfall.”
Joy isn’t something you have to work up. Joy is the fruit of your faith in Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. When troubles and contradictions of who you are come at you, your faith will carry you through them. Joy can be your companion through life. It will confuse your enemies as they can’t understand how you can have joy in the middle of life’s storms.
Don’t mistake joy for not caring. Joy will help you through!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory