Daily Vitamin
Kindness, Rom 2:4 (The Mirror Bible), “Do not underestimate God’s kindness. The wealth of His benevolence and His resolute refusal to let go of us is because He continues to hear the echo of His likeness in us. Thus His patient passion is to shepherd everyone into a radical mind shift.”
When people are kind and generous, others seem to take them as easy pushovers. It’s the same with Daddy God. Because He is patient, kind, forgiving and long suffering, people think they can get away with anything. Just like with your own children, sometimes take you for granted because of your kindness. Too many times we represent Daddy God as cruel, judgmental, and wrathful. He’s so far from that! His kindness shows how much He loves us.
Being kind is always the road we should walk on, even if others take us for granted. It’s the easiest way to show the world Daddy God’s kindness.
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory