
Daily Vitamin

Light, JN 1:1-5 (TPT), “In the beginninga the Living Expression was already there. And the Living Expression was with God, yet fully God. They were together—face-to-face, in the very beginning. And through His creative inspiration this Living Expression made all things, for nothing has existence apart from Him! A fountain of life was in Him, for His life is light for all humanity. And this Light never fails to shine through darkness— Light that darkness could not overcome!”

Jesus is the light that was with Daddy God and Holy Spirit from the beginning when all things were in darkness and without any form. Jesus came into that darkness and expelled it. When we are filled with darkness, Jesus comes into our lives and expels it.

With Jesus in our lives, we are filled with His light. We can then help expel the darkness from others through Christ who lives in us!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






