Daily Vitamin
Mine — “How can the tangible, physical address of the living God compare with a phantom image that people host in their minds? Mankind is God’s idea - we did not invent God or ourselves; He invented us. He said, “In you will I reside and move and have My being; we belong together; I am yours and you are Mine.” “Consequently, escape the snare of these phantom ideas; do not reduce your horizon to become attached to anything that is not equally elevated. Then you will know the embrace of your Father to simply enjoy being My sons and daughters,” says the Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:16-18, The Mirror Bible)
From the very beginning, Daddy God created us to be His! Despite all the times He has revealed Himself to us, we continue to make up false images of Him. In doing so we create a world that is void of true relationship with Him.
Daddy God made us, not the other way around. He claims us as His own. Won’t you let Him love you today?
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory