
Daily Vitamin

Mystery, Eph 3:1-4 (The Passion Translation), “Beloved friends, because of my love for Jesus Christ, I am now His prisoner for the sake of all of you who are not Jews, so that you will hear the gospel that God has entrusted to me to share with you. For this wonderful mystery, which I briefly described, was given to me by divine revelation, so that whenever you read it you will be able to understand my revelation and insight into the secret mystery of the Messiah.”

The mysteries of the Kingdom of God have been revealed to those who will take time and pay attention. Daddy God never intended for the mysteries of His Kingdom to stay hidden forever. He has always reveled them to the prophets and apostles. But now He is revealing them not just to them but to all who will take the time and seek them out.

Join me on the journey searching out the blueprint for a spotless bride that Jesus, Daddy God, and Holy Spirit are waiting on!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






