Daily Vitamin
Precious, 1 Pet 2:6-7 (The Mirror Bible), “This is central to the prophetic theme of Scripture: as voiced in Isaiah 28:16: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone, the exact and precise reference to the authentic thought of God; the one who exhibits the perfect idea of human life indwelt by God. This makes Him most precious and desirable; He will not disappoint anyone’s belief that He is indeed the Messiah, the Savior of the world. He exhibits human life as the true temple of God. His irreplaceable and priceless value is realized in your conviction; the very stone rejected by the unbelief of the religious leaders of the day, has become the cornerstone. It is in fact the most important stone in which the entire structure is defined.”
We call many jewels precious. Here Peter is calling Jesus the most precious corner stone. Jesus is the cornerstone which the body of Christ (you and me) is built upon. He isn’t just a precious stone we wear as jewelry — He is the perfect, desirable and precious foundation in our lives.
We lock up the items we deem to be our most valuable. Seems that somewhere in time we have locked up the most precious thing in our religious structures. It’s time to let Him out of our four-walled safes and into our world so restoration may come!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory