
Daily Vitamin

Rescued Eph 2:5-6 (The Mirror Bible), “This is how grace rescued us: while we were yet in that state of deadness and indifference in our deviations, we were co-quickened together with Christ. We had nothing to do with it. Grace freed us, once and for all from the lies that we believed about ourselves under the performance-driven system, and now defines our authentic identity. We are co-included in His resurrection. We are also co-elevated in His ascension to be equally present in the throne room of the heavenly realm where we are co-seated with Him in His executive authority. We are fully represented in Christ Jesus.”

Grace rescued us and gave us our true identity. It’s grace that included us in the Kingdom of God. We may want to take credit for it, but it was Daddy God who allowed Jesus to come to our rescue. Holy Spirit helps us to understand all that Jesus did and continually guides us to Them.

You might not understand how or why Jesus rescued you. Just accept it by faith that Their grace brought us into the Kingdom of God.

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






