Daily Vitamin
Save, Rm 5:7-9 (The Mirror Bible), “It is most unlikely that someone will die for another person, even if they are righteous; yet it is remotely possible that someone can brave such devotion that one would actually lay down one’s own life in an effort to save the the life of an extraordinary good person. Herein is the extremity of God’s love gift: mankind was rotten to the core when Christ died their death. If God could love us that much when we were ungodly and guilty, how much more are we free to realize His love now that we are declared innocent by His blood?”
Most of us might die for one of our children, but what about the guy lying in the street drunk or high? Or how about the one who stole from us? Most of us wouldn’t. We would like to believe we would, but when the rubber meets the road… Well enough said!
Are we good enough for someone to give up their life for ours? Christ thought that you were good enough. Christ is in you, so let’s live a life worthy of His sacrifice!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory