
Daily Vitamin

Teach, 1John 2:27-28 (The Mirror Bible), “I am convinced that the effect of His touch within you is permanent; this is the Christ-annointing that teaches you all things, so that you do not need any teacher whose doctrine does not resonate with truth. Deception cannot compete with spirit-resonance. So now, just like an infant in a mother’s embrace, abide in this place of innocence where His manifest appearance is meant to be fully realized and echoed in unashamed utterance. In His immediate presence there exist no sense of shame or any form of separation.”

Many times we settle for teaching from mankind rather than from Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. I’m not saying we can’t learn from mankind, rather that we need to allow Holy Spirit , Jesus, and Daddy God to confirm what’s being taught.

The best place to learn is at Their feet! They will confer whether what is being taught is correct or not.

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






