
Daily Vitamin

Touch — “After He came down from teaching on the hillside, massive crowds began following Him. Suddenly, a leper walked up to Jesus and threw himself down before Him in worship and said, “Lord, you have the power to heal me . . . if you really want to.” Jesus reached out His hand and touched the leper and said, “Of course I want to heal you—be healed!” And instantly, all signs of leprosy disappeared!” (Matthew 8:1-3, The Passion Translation)

Many times what all people want is someone to reach out and touch them. The church has become a place that doesn’t want the smelly, the dirty, or the unclean. And we are suppose to be the place where the world can come for a touch. In old times, we believed if we touched the unclean we would become unclean. And maybe that was true, but Jesus came and changed that so now when the unclean touch us they become clean.

Won’t you reach out and touch the smelly, dirty, and unclean to change their life forever?

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






