Daily Vitamin
Value, Luke 12:6-7 (TPT), “What is the value of your soul to God? Could your worth be defined by any amount of money? God doesn’t abandon or forget even the small sparrow He has made. How then could He forget or abandon you? What about the seemingly minor issues of your life? Do they matter to God? Of course they do! So you never need to worry, for you are more valuable to God than anything else in this world.”
Have you ever thought about how special you are? Not in a conceited way or thinking you are better than others, but in your value to Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. We are treasured by Them. We could say they are infatuated with us. Even the angels don’t get the attention we get. They created this world for us to enjoy, and They want to be involved in all we do.
You mesmerize Them! Won’t you give the same value to other believers? In doing so, you return to Daddy God all the value He ever wants from us!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory