Daily Vitamin
Wisdom, Col 4:5-6 (The Mirror Bible), “Do not spoil your chances to touch others with the word through a lack of wisdom. Even though they may seem to be “outside,” your attitude towards them will reveal to them how “inside” they in fact are. Redeem the time by making the most of every opportunity. Season your conversation with grace. This remains the most attractive and appropriate option to respond in every situation.”
Sometimes wisdom is being silent when everything in your flesh wants to speak. Wisdom is knowing when to act or not. True wisdom comes from time spent with Daddy God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus. They will give you wisdom that is beyond you.
People will know that you spend time with Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit as it will show in the way you treat them. The way you act and speak will be pleasing to the ears of those seeking freedom from their bondages.
What will be your answer today to spending time with Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit? Let the answer be yes and receive Their wisdom!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory