
Daily Vitamin

Written — “Next, the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem, set Him on the highest point of the temple, and tempted Him, saying, “If you really are the Son of God, jump down in front of all the people. For it is written in the Scriptures, ‘God has given His angels instructions to protect you from harm. For angels’ hands will hold you up and keep you from hurting even one foot on a stone.’  ”Jesus replied, “It is also written in the Scriptures, ‘How dare you provoke the Lord your God!’ ”That silenced the devil’s harassment for the time being. So he retreated until an opportune time.” (Luke 4:9-13, The Passion Translation)

Want to chase off your adversary Quote what is actually written, not what your adversary says is written, or what other people say is written. If you don’t know, then search through scriptures to find out for yourself what is written. It was all recorded for our use! Our adversary won’t stop trying to deceive you, even if it’s just a little bit at a time. This is why it’s important to learn what is written.

Holy Spirit is with you to help you along the way. Speak the written word and watch your adversaries flee!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory





