
Daily Vitamin

Joy, Acts 8:4-8 (TPT), “Although the believers were scattered by persecution, they preached the wonderful news of the word of God wherever they went. Philip traveled to a Samaritan city and preached to them the wonderful news of the Anointed One. The crowds were eager to receive Philip’s message and were persuaded by the many miracles and wonders he performed. Many demon-possessed people were set free and delivered as evil spirits came out of them with loud screams and shrieks, and many who were lame and paralyzed were also healed. This resulted in an uncontainable joy filling the city!“

Whenever a people are oppressed, there is always evil spirits driving them. But when the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is preached, these same spirits will flee. Many scream as they leave because they are the one now being tormented!The same things they did to people will come back upon them. Once evil is evicted from a region or city, the spirit of freedom and joy move in.

Daddy God is on the move once again evicting evil from our sphere of influence.  You might say it looks pretty dark out there, but where darkness reigns grace will abound so much more. Let the joy of freedom surround you; then watch the darkness flee!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






