
Daily Vitamin

Union, Jn 15:4-5 (The Mirror Bible), “Our seamless union, you in Me and I in you, is pictured in the vine: the shoot cannot bear fruit outside of this union. In its abiding in the vine, fruit happens naturally - as with your abiding in Me. I am the vine and you are the branches; it is the one who understands this mutual union that naturally bears much fruit - which is impossible to happen apart from Me.”

Our union in Christ is what brings the ability to bear fruit and to have it come into maturity. Without Christ we flounder around hoping to connect with others or to become mature. Without being in the union of Christ, Holy Spirit and Daddy God, we just become kindling for the fires of life. Their union with each other and with us is what produces the fruit our world needs and is searching for!

What fruit are you producing?

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






