Daily Vitamin
Balance, Luke 10:40-42 (The Mirror Bible), “All this time, Martha however, was distracted by much serving; she became annoyed and walked up to where they were sitting and burst in on their conversation, saying, “Lord, do you not care that my sister left me all this time to do all the work; tell her then to come and help me. Jesus answered her, Martha, Martha. You are occupied with anxious and troubled thoughts about many things. Those many things that clutter your mind are all very brief and of little importance compared to the one thing that outweighs them all. This one thing deserves your undivided attention - Mary has sourced her permanent portion in this beautiful conversation.”
So many times Martha gets a bad rap, but she loved Jesus as much as Mary. Our culture gets caught in the same trap. Serving becomes more important than being in Jesus’ presence. Sunday mornings are a prime example. The business of doing church becomes more important than being the church. Jesus didn’t tell Martha her being busy wasn’t important, just that her attention or being in His presence needed to be her first priority.
Do you have things that distract you from your time at Jesus feet? Those things can wait. Jesus is patiently waiting on you!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory