Daily Vitamin
Behavior, Eph 4 :30-32 (The Mirror Bible), “The Holy Spirit is your signet ring from God to confirm that you are redeemed to live your life in the light of day; any conduct that belongs to the night grieves Him. Take up the strongest possible position against every form of distorted behavior in your own life. Do not allow yourself to be spiteful; outbursts of violent emotion and rage do not become you. You don’t have to shout in order to make your point. People must feel safe in your conversation; therefore, slander and hurtful words [blasphemy] are out. Be inspired by kindness and compassion; your forgiving one another when you might feel irritated and frustrated demonstrates the way God graciously treated us in Christ.”
Are there times that anger is proper? Yes, but anger shouldn’t drive you away from people. It should drive you closer to Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Too often our anger drives us into all kinds of behaviors that don’t belong in a believer’s day. Anger is just one behavior that doesn’t belong in the Kingdom of God! It drives you away from people.
How is your behavior today? We can choose how our behavior will affect our day. Let your life be filled kindness and not anger.
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory