
Daily Vitamin

Bribes — “After the women left the tomb, a few of the guards went into Jerusalem and told the chief priests everything they had seen and heard. So the chief priests called a meeting with all the religious leaders and came up with a plan. They bribed the guards with a large sum of money and told them, “Tell everyone, ‘While we were asleep, His disciples came at night and stole His body!’ If Pilate finds out about this, don’t worry. We’ll make sure you don’t get blamed.” So they took the money and did as they were told. (That is why the story of the guards is still circulated among the Jews to this day.)” (Matthew 28:11-15, The Passion Translation)

Religion will do whatever it takes to keep its power over people. Jesus didn’t come to make a new religion. He came to destroy false religion and to restore the Kingdom of God. Still today, we are finding out about the lies that religious leaders have kept secret. Some for decades, others not so long.

So what are we to do? Keep our eyes on Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Daddy God. When you have a check in your spirit about something, ask Him a question. Pray and seek the Trinity about it. Don’t forget the true saying, “for evil to prevail it just takes good people to see it and do nothing”.

Let’s quit hiding and stand up against the evil that’s trying to take over. Remember Jesus won the victory over death, hell, and the grave! Let’s not give His victory away.

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






