
Daily Vitamin

Circumcised, Phil 3:1-3 (TPT), “My beloved ones, don’t ever limit your joy or fail to rejoice in the wonderful experience of knowing our Lord Jesus! I don’t mind repeating what I’ve already written you because it protects you— beware of those religious hypocrites who teach that you should be circumcised to please God. For we have already experienced “heart-circumcision,” and we worship God in the power and freedom of Holy Spirit, not in laws and religious duties. We are those who boast in what Jesus Christ has done, and not in what we can accomplish in our own strength.”

Circumcision was part of the law that set the Jews apart from others. It was one of the laws that religious leaders tried to force on new converts. We also have many religious laws that have nothing to do with our relationship in Christ. Laws and rules are an outward expression of doing things in our own strength. Jesus made a way for us to worship Him without all the laws. He gave us Holy Spirit to help us in all that we do and say.

Let your worship come from a circumcised heart and not from the works of your flesh!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






