Daily Vitamin
Close, Jas 4:7-8 (The Mirror Bible), “Your most effective defense against any diabolical mindset, is to yield yourselves in total abandonment to God, and there encounter His dream-life for you. You will witness how effortlessly those thoughts flee from you. Snuggle up to the warm embrace of God; experience His closeness. The sinner can come with all stains washed from his hands; the double-minded can come with a purified heart.”
Daddy God is so close that we can forget He is with us at all times. Once we realize Holy Spirit is here and not afraid of our short comings, then we can accept the sacrifice Jesus made for us! We come to know that we can climb right up into Daddy God’s lap. They are awaiting on us to snuggle up with them, even if we still have dirty rags on.
Draw close to Daddy God and watch Him wash you clean and whiter than a fresh snow fall!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory