
Daily Vitamin

Vessel, ROM 9:21-24 (TPT), “ are you denying the right of the potter to make out of clay whatever he wants? Doesn’t the potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay an elegant vase or an ordinary pot? And in the same way, although God has every right to unleash His anger and demonstrate His power, yet He is extremely patient with those who deserve wrath—vessels prepared for destruction. And doesn’t He also have the right to release the revelation of the wealth of His glory to His vessels of mercy, whom God prepared beforehand to receive His glory?”

We are all vessels of Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter if we are rich or poor, Jew or Gentile. They can mold us into whatever They choose. Whether we’re made to be the king’s cup or his bedpan, we are still of great value to the Kingdom!

Let’s rejoice and give Them all of our praise.

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






