
Daily Vitamin

Compassion — “If you lend money to those you expect to receive a return from, then what’s grace got to do with it - sinners do the same. What I am talking about is a life of total contrast. There is no ways that a life ruled by religious legalism can match this. For starters, love your enemies. Do good and lend to those where there is no chance they’ll pay you back. Tapping into heavenly dimension-realities beats living by the rules of the earthly realm of personal performance by far. Your sonship-likeness, is mirrored in the Most High; He is your Source. He is kindness in person, to the un-christlike and to those trapped in the typical lifestyle of hardships labors and annoyances. He embarrasses us with His generosity when we least expect it and are at our worst. Mirror your Father’s compassion.” (Luke 6:34-36, The Mirror Bible)

What more can be said? We are to imitate Dady God in all we do! Whether that be lending money, forgiving, or just being there for someone. People get trapped in the circles of life. They need someone to show them compassion so they can get off the hamster wheel of life. When we love on people, whether believers or not-yet-believers, that shows them a different way to succeed in life.

Let’s let our compassion be just like the compassion of Daddy God, Jesus and Holy Spirit!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






