
Daily Vitamin

Dead, Rom 8:10-12 (The Mirror Bible), “The revelation of Christ in you declares that your body is as good as dead to sin’s demands; sin cannot find any expression in a corpse. You co-died together with Him. Yet your spirit is alive because of what righteousness reveals. Our union with Christ further reveals that because the same Spirit who awakened the body of Jesus from the dead inhabits us, we equally participate in His resurrection. In this act of authority whereby God raised Jesus from the dead, He co-restores your body to life by His indwelling Spirit. We owe flesh nothing.”

We owe the flesh nothing! What a statement! Dwell on that for a bit. Our flesh is as good as dead. Yet because of Daddy God’s love and Jesus’s choice, we live by the power of Holy Spirit. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. So go ahead and get excited! Your flesh is dead, yet you live an abundant life.

So let your flesh die because your spirit will live forever with Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






