
Daily Vitamin

Delay — “So, dear friends, don’t let this one thing escape your notice: a single day counts like a thousand years to the Lord Yahweh, and a thousand years counts as one day. This means that, contrary to man’s perspective, the Lord is not late with His promise to return, as some measure lateness. But rather, His “delay” simply reveals His loving patience toward you, because He does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:8-9, The Passion Translation)

The delay of heaven returning to earth is due to mankind! Christ wants to return with all the saints in heaven, but we aren’t ready. So the delay remains in our hands. If Jesus came today, how much faith would He find on the earth?

We have a lot of work to do. Remember, it only took Nehemiah and the people 52 days to accomplish the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall. So let’s join together in unity and not cause Jesus to delay any longer!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






