
Daily Vitamin

Freedom, Gal 5:1 (The Mirror Bible), “Christ defines your faith; He is your freedom from anything from which the law could never free you. Find your firm footing in this freedom. Do not let religion trip you up again and harness you to a system of rules and obligations.”

Paul reminds the Galatians not to fall back into old habits of religion. Religion, like addiction, will draw the addict back into a deadly lifestyle. Christ came and scarified His life so we can be free from external rules and regulations that Daddy God never intended for us. Holy Spirit came to help us in our journey of a free life.

Proverbs 26:11 (TPT), “Fools are famous for repeating their errors, like dogs are known to return to their vomit.” Let’s not be like them! Freedom awaits you!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






