Daily Vitamin
Gaze — “Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions. Watch where you’re going! Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you. Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked for even a moment or take the detour that leads to darkness.” (Proverbs 4:25-27, The Passion Translation)
We have so many distractions in our world; it’s no wonder we get sidetracked from our mission! We need to be like the horse that we put blinders on. They keep the work horse and the race horse on track. We have many crooked and bumpy roads ahead of us. Isaiah and Luke both talk about keeping our eyes on Daddy God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. They will make the crooked path straight and the rough way smooth.
What is your gaze fixed on? Let’s look into Their eyes and let Them guide us!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory