Daily Vitamin
Instruct, 2 Tim 4:2-5 (The Passion Translation), “I solemnly instruct you to proclaim the Word of God and stand upon it no matter what! Rise to the occasion and preach when it is convenient and when it is not. Preach in the full expression of the Holy Spirit— with wisdom and patience as you instruct and teach the people. For the time is coming when they will no longer listen and respond to the healing words of truth because they will become selfish and proud. They will seek out teachers with soothing words that line up with their desires, saying just what they want to hear. They will close their ears to the truth and believe nothing but fables and myths. So be alert to all these things and overcome every form of evil. Carry in your heart the passion of your calling as a church planter and evangelist, and fulfill your ministry calling.”
Paul instructed Timothy to carry on despite knowing that people would reject sound teaching. It’s not much different today. Some may say that things are worse than then. I would just say it’s a different time.
Mankind has always wanted their own way, failing to realize that following the truth is way easier than following a lie. The long term effects of doing things our own way end up in confusion — and sometimes a in lonely life.
What is it that’s stopping you from following the truth? Is it selfishness and wanting things your way?
Allow Holy Spirit to guide you in all things! The benefits are full of blessings you can’t even comprehend right now.
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory