Daily Vitamin
Justified, Rom 10:1-4 (The Mirror Bible), “God knows how my heart aches with deep and prayerful longing for Israel to realize their salvation. I have been there myself. I know their zeal and devotion; their problem is not their passion, but their ignorance. They are tirelessly busy with their own efforts to justify themselves while blatantly ignoring the fact that God already justified them in Christ. Christ is the conclusion of the law, everything the law required of mankind was fulfilled in Him; He thus represents the righteousness of the human race, based upon faith [and not personal performance].”
We can easily replace the word Israel with the word religious. We get caught up in trying to do what’s good and forget that Christ has already done it! The religious are very passionate about their service to Daddy God without realizing they are missing the mark! They get caught up in doing and forget who they’re doing it for. Then there is the other side who say “Christ will do it all,” so they do nothing.
The only way we are justified is by faith in Christ and in who He is in us. So let’s let Christ shine through us and celebrate Him!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory