Daily Vitamin
Life — “You have already given Me authority over all people so that I may give the gift of eternal life to all those that you have given to Me. Eternal life means to know and experience You as the only true God, and to know and experience Jesus Christ, as the Son whom You have sent.” (John 17:2-3, The Passion Translation)
Many times we ask, “What is life all about?” Jesus tells us in a prayer to Daddy God that knowing Them and Holy Spirit is the essence of life — and not just our physical life but eternal life. Sadly, we can make it all about following rules and regulations, so much so that we make a relationship with Them of no effect! Our life is about knowing Them and making Them known! Not following the law.
Today is the day They made, so let’s get to know Them in a real and experiential way!
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory