
Daily Vitamin

Religion, Col 2:20-23 (The Mirror Bible), “If it is true that you were included in Christ’s death, then the religious systems of this world with its rules and regulations no longer apply to you. What further relevance would there be for you to continue to live under the influence of mankind’s doctrines and ideas? Things like: “Do not associate with this one.” or “Do not taste that.” or “Do not even touch this with your finger.” These instructions are of no permanent value in any case since they refer to things that perish after it is consumed, thus they leave no lasting impact in your life. So do not let man-made menus cause you to major on minors.”

Religion was never in Daddy God’s plan. His plan has always been relationship! That we would have a relationship with Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Daddy God. Religion is full of rules and regulations that really keep us from Them.

Don’t allow religion to cause you to forsake the relationship we were created to have!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






