
Daily Vitamin

Son, Matt 3:15-17 (The Passion Translation), “Jesus replied, “It is only right to do all that God requires.” Then John baptized Jesus. And as Jesus rose up out of the water, the heavenly realm opened up over Him and He saw  Holy Spirit descend out of the heavens and rest upon Him in the form of a dove. Then suddenly the voice of the Father shouted from the sky, saying, “This is My Son—the Beloved! My greatest delight is in Him.”

Do you realize that you too are a son of Daddy God? Since you are sons, what does Daddy God say about you? He says the same things about you that He said about Jesus. If that was not true then Jesus’ sacrifice would be of no effect.

You may argue that you’re disqualified because you’ve messed up a lot. Can I remind you that everyone messes up? Jesus paid for all our messes. Daddy God said David was a man after His own heart even though he messed up a lot. Solomon was wise and rich, yet he didn’t end well. Both their and our messes won’t disqualify us as sons!

Ask Daddy God what He says about you. I can answer that He will say, “You are my beloved son in whom I’m well pleased!”

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






