
Daily Vitamin

Worth — “The idea of mankind’s co-inclusion in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is entirely God’s doing. To now realize that God has indeed brought final closure to the old and for us to see everything and everyone in this new light is to simply see what God has always known to be true about us in Christ; we are not debating human experience, opinion, or their contribution; this is exactly what God believes. In Jesus Christ, God exchanged equivalent value to redeem us to Himself. He went to the highest extreme in this act of reconciliation to persuade us of our original worth. This, God has given us as the mandate of our ministry.” (2 Corinthians 5:18, The Mirror Bible)

Daddy God loves His creation so very much. By laying His life, He went over and above to make a way for us to be with Him and to convince us of His love. He came and gave all for us so we can be part of the reconciliation of all things.

You are worth more than you realize!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory





