
Daily Vitamin

Original — “God is fully at home in Him. Jesus exhibits God's happy delight to be human. He initiated the reconciliation of all things to Himself. Through the blood of the cross God restored the original harmony. His reign of peace now extends to every visible thing upon the earth as well as those invisible things which are in the heavenly realm.” (Colossians 1:19-20, The Passion Translation)

We are entering into an era where Daddy God, Jesus and Holy Spirit are restoring all things back to the original design. The cross was a brutal act committed towards the Creator of all things. And yet it became the tool that brought reconciliation to our world. It built the road of harmony so the original intention could be restored.

The original plan was for all of heaven to dwell here on earth — into realm where we now live! Won’t you join us on this road of harmony to bring the original plan to completion?

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






