
Daily Vitamin

Shepherds — “The so-called shepherds and saviors who preceded Me are the thieves and plunderers but the sheep did not recognize their voices. I am the door and the sheep who enter because of who I am is safe to roam freely and find pasture. The thief “shepherd” has no other agenda but to steal, kill and he couldn’t care less if he lost some sheep. I have come with the sole purpose for you to have life in its most complete form. I am the good shepherd, the one who lays down His life for the sheep.” (John 10:8-11, The Mirror Bible)

Jesus came as the Shepherd who would take away the dangers of sin, death, and the grave. He came for all — not just a few. There are thief-shepherds in our world who try to deceive us into believing they are for us. They are not.

Jesus is all-in for us, so much so that He allowed the lost people of this world to beat and kill His mortal body. But He rose from the grave overcoming death!

Please know that if you were the only one, Jesus would still do it again. Let His love find you in your darkness!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






