Daily Vitamin
Thirsty, John 4:13-14 (The Passion Translation), “Jesus answered, “If you drink from Jacob’s well, you’ll be thirsty again, but if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never be thirsty again. For when you drink the water I give you, it becomes a gushing fountain of Holy Spirit, flooding you with endless life!”
Jesus talks about being thirsty and being hungry quite a bit. Just like our bodies need food and drink, so do our spiritual bodies. It may be different than our physical needs, yet our spirit-man still needs just as much nourishing. Spiritual food and drink seem to be lacking, not only in the outside world, but also in the Church!
This spiritual food is available, but it seems to be neglected by so many individuals in the body of Christ. They are staying as babes in Christ by allowing others to feed them! It’s time for all to learn how to feed ourselves!
So what are you eating and drinking? Whatever you feed will grow, whether that be physical or spiritual.
Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory