
Daily Vitamin

Walk, Col 2:6-7 (The Mirror Bible), “Your daily walk is no different from that initial embrace when you first understood your divine association in Him. (As you have received Christ, so walk in Him.) Just like the roots of a tree, draw your sustenance and strength from Him. Like a building rising up out of its foundation your life makes the full stature of Christ visible; standing tall in His shoes, firm in your faith posture. The language of gratitude that overflows from your lips reflects the exact impression of what you were taught.”

Life is a journey. We could say it’s a walk through this life we have been given. There will be obstacles that can trip us up or get us off the right path. We all have a path to walk. One difference comes from where get our nourishment. Do we draw from Daddy God or from the culture around us?

The deeper our lives go into the Kingdom of God, the stronger we get. Just like the tree that has deep roots, it can withstand the winds of life that come. When we have life come at us in a different direction than we expected, we can withstand the storm and keep on walking.

There are many companions on our walk with Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. To name a few: Joy, Peace, Comfort, Grace, and so much more. Also we have a cloud of witnesses that have gone before us. They are cheering us on.

You are not alone! Look around. There are many others walking with you!

Be a Blessing, Sir Gregory






